Monday, November 15, 2010

decisions decisions

I still haven't decided what direction to take with this blog. Like I said earlier, it was a vehicle for my business. Now that the business is no longer viable, maybe it's time to use it as my own personal soapbox. Your comments are welcome.
I do like the soapbox idea. And to that end, I'll start with my first rant.
As previously stated, I am the seminar coordinator for the National Haunters Convention.
I've been with them since the early days, in Mike's back yard, and I take no small measure of pride in my association with them. I recently asked two people who I worked with recently if they would like to be involved in the con. Both told me they didn't think it was a real con or that they just flat out didn't like it.
Normally I would have slammed them for it. I could have said that if their make up was any good they might have a shot at winning the makeup contest. But that would only be a deception. Their make up is pretty good. I think that their problem with the make-up war is with the fact that it has turned into a de facto T&A contest. The hottest girl wins. Ain't that a bitch! You can't dress up a regular, normal, run of the mill girl and win this have to go over the top. And that's just the way it is! We call it a war for a reason...and if you want to win...Don't bring a knife to the gunfight!

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