Sunday, November 14, 2010

The latest update and a long break

The observant will notice that I haven't posted anything in two or three years. I started this blog as way to further my own efforts at starting a haunt. That didn't work out as well as I had hoped, but it did connect me with a few folks who either were interested in my work or worked in haunts.
In the time since my last post I've had the opportunity to work at the Fright Factory. That was to be the defining experience that re-kindled my passion for fright. Actually getting paid to scare is one of life's greatest pleasures for me. I worked for Rob and his crew for 2 wonderful years and then another opportunity arose. Actually it was 2.
I was asked by Mike Bruner of the then fledgling Eastern Haunters Convention to find and contact speakers for the con. That has been a blessing in disguise for me. I now have a venue to contact the movers and shakers in the industry as well as see first-hand the inner workings of a business that still captures my imagination. I've had a front row seat to watch this little PA Gathering of Haunters grow into one of the largest industry conventions in the world. This year will be even bigger and I see no end in sight. It has indeed been one of the best things that I've been a part of.
The other opportunity came from the most unlikely place. I had heard that Arnold's GoKarts in Oaks, PA was looking for a haunt manager. I had tried and failed to successfully open "A Place Called Fear" at the very same location. At first I was a little apprehensive about tackling this project. I was uncertain as to whether or not my motives lay in the proper place. It turns out that it was an irrational fear. I managed the haunt to the best of my ability and along the way discovered that this was an occupation ideally suited to me. I have since taken a part-time position with the parent management company of the haunt. Though it is not haunt related it is still an exciting and interesting position. I quickly realized that the potential to expand did not exist and that this haunt would in all likelihood remain the same size as ever. All the same I really enjoyed my time running the haunt for them.
This May at the NHC I heard about the Pennhurst haunt for the first time. I heard that Randy Bates of the Bates Motel and Haunted Hayride was contracted by the owners to build and run it.
When I talked to Randy at the NHC, I asked if there was a spot for one of the characters. He said there was and that I should contact him about auditions. Needless to say, I got the job.
It is now mid November and the haunt is done for the season. There's talk of expanding the haunt and the museum it houses. I certainly hope so.

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