Friday, October 5, 2007

Fright Factory 2007

Well, it's October again and last week I started working at the Fright Factory. I've known the owners, Rob and Aven, a few years now and it's really great of them to let me come down and help out.

This is my buddy Chet from the fire company. Chet's pretty damn good on those stilts. It ain't easy, he's got to stay up on them all night, and they have to be duct-taped to his legs so they don't slip. Chet and I met the folks from the Fright Factory at Horrorfind in '04 and gave them a hand with the costume contest. We've been down at the Fright Factory ever since. Go figure! Anyway, I did Chet's makeup, not the best I've ever done, but considering it was a 2 year old appliance...not bad.

I've been doing the 'Mossman' schtick., and it's been working real good so far , but I think I hear 'Freshly dug up Doug' calling to be let out to play. I know I've got to let him out for the fire company's hayride later this month, so I might as well let him warm up some at the Fright Factory. Besides, he's got some new hair and shoes. I think we have a new character for Chet as well, 'Beazlbubba aka The Devil went down to Georgia'. We'll see what develops in the next few days. expect more pictures

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