Friday, August 17, 2007

Back from Horrorfind

Well the convention went well. There was plenty to do and I did get to couple of seminars...I had planned on doing that anyway, so I would rate this mission a success.
I ran into some folks form other Haunts that I've known over the years and we had a good time chatting about how the last season went. Obviously mine didn't go as planned, but everyone else seemed to have had a good year. Good luck to them all.
One of the things thats been a hot topic around the haunt business world is cross promotion and marketing. I've always believed that the more "buzz" that we generate, the better for everyone in the business. Being as I'm a shameless self promoter and don't see anything wrong with giving a little shout out to my friends, I say that I ran into some friends from Goatman Hollow, Dark Woods Manor, Kim's Krypt, The Fright Factory, Patient Creatures and a new place in Delaware called Nightmares. I'll post some pictures just to keep it interesting.
The costume contest Saturday night was also quite interesting. Though I don't think it was as big as in years past, it certainly wasn't without a large selection of imaginitave and nicely executed costumes

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