Thursday, June 28, 2007

Next Gig

EFProductions, the micronational nanoconglomerate that owns aplacalledfear has a new gig. We'll be creating a facade for Clan Young to use at the Green Lane Scottish-Irish Festival. Clan Young sets up tents at festivals and distributes information on Clan Young, Scottish heritage and just general information. They also draw admiring stares from passing womenfolk who just want to know whats under that kilt......Pssst... if 'ya wanna
They've also been known to consume vast ammounts of single malt scotch and sing. Alas, the Green Lane Festival is in a county park and as such, no alcohol is allowed, however, I have it on good word that there should be plenty of singing, and some dancin' too! Aye, the lads from Clan Young do like to carry on and have a good time.

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