Sunday, January 9, 2011

More NHC

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Monster Madhouse Video

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I said I was going to use this space as a soapbox!

This article really hit home for me. Not only was some of the content related to a town near me, it hit on a subject that has had me thinking for some time now.

Quoting from the article in

"A law like that is likely to face fierce opposition from law enforcement organizations. Jim Pasco, executive director of the national Fraternal Order of Police, says he sees no problem with arresting people who photograph or record on-duty cops. Pasco says his main concern is that activists will tamper with videos or use clips out of context to make police officers look bad.

“There’s no chain of custody with these videos,” Pasco says. “How do you know the video hasn’t been edited? How do we know what’s in the video hasn’t been taken out of context? With dashboard cameras or police security video, the evidence is in the hands of law enforcement the entire time, so it’s admissible under the rules of evidence. That’s not the case with these cell phone videos.”

But Carlos Miller, proprietor of Photography Is Not a Crime, says that’s no reason to prevent people from taking video in the first place. “If a video has been altered or edited, that’s a pretty easy thing to discern,” he says. “That’s going to come out in an investigation. And just because a video has only been in police custody doesn’t mean it hasn’t been altered or edited. Police can edit videos too.”

Or delete them entirely. In the College Park case, a campus police surveillance camera was pointed at the area where Jack McKenna was beaten. But there’s no security video of the incident. Campus police say the camera coincidentally malfunctioned at the time of the beating. A local news station reported that the officer in charge of the campus surveillance video system is married to one of the officers later disciplined for McKenna’s beating."

I think the real issue here will end up be the fact that when we the people leave the comfort and safety of our homes, we leave behind many constitutional protections. What makes the police or government think that they should enjoy in public, the same protections that we forfiet upon leaving our residence?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

(((Blush))) a needed correction

In my previous post I had made a comment about some people I know and the fact that they had NOT won a makeup contest. Well as it turns out, I was mis-informed. They didn't lose the contest, they were DQ'ed. I'm not 100% certain, but it appears they were disqualified because they had used a prosthetic piece in the contest in clear violation of the rules. In their defense I'll say this; if the prosthetis was made up before hand, then yes, they deserved to be DQ'ed. However, if they had built up the so-called prosthetic while in the process of applying the makeup (and these folks are quite adept at just that!), then I believe that they should have won. In any case, I hope theat they come back again this year. They are employed by a new Haunt and their makeup is fabulous! I'd hate to see them pass up this opportunity just because of something like this. I'm hoping they'll let the past be what it is and return to the contest and give everybody a proper ass-kickin!

Monday, November 15, 2010

decisions decisions

I still haven't decided what direction to take with this blog. Like I said earlier, it was a vehicle for my business. Now that the business is no longer viable, maybe it's time to use it as my own personal soapbox. Your comments are welcome.
I do like the soapbox idea. And to that end, I'll start with my first rant.
As previously stated, I am the seminar coordinator for the National Haunters Convention.
I've been with them since the early days, in Mike's back yard, and I take no small measure of pride in my association with them. I recently asked two people who I worked with recently if they would like to be involved in the con. Both told me they didn't think it was a real con or that they just flat out didn't like it.
Normally I would have slammed them for it. I could have said that if their make up was any good they might have a shot at winning the makeup contest. But that would only be a deception. Their make up is pretty good. I think that their problem with the make-up war is with the fact that it has turned into a de facto T&A contest. The hottest girl wins. Ain't that a bitch! You can't dress up a regular, normal, run of the mill girl and win this have to go over the top. And that's just the way it is! We call it a war for a reason...and if you want to win...Don't bring a knife to the gunfight!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The latest update and a long break

The observant will notice that I haven't posted anything in two or three years. I started this blog as way to further my own efforts at starting a haunt. That didn't work out as well as I had hoped, but it did connect me with a few folks who either were interested in my work or worked in haunts.
In the time since my last post I've had the opportunity to work at the Fright Factory. That was to be the defining experience that re-kindled my passion for fright. Actually getting paid to scare is one of life's greatest pleasures for me. I worked for Rob and his crew for 2 wonderful years and then another opportunity arose. Actually it was 2.
I was asked by Mike Bruner of the then fledgling Eastern Haunters Convention to find and contact speakers for the con. That has been a blessing in disguise for me. I now have a venue to contact the movers and shakers in the industry as well as see first-hand the inner workings of a business that still captures my imagination. I've had a front row seat to watch this little PA Gathering of Haunters grow into one of the largest industry conventions in the world. This year will be even bigger and I see no end in sight. It has indeed been one of the best things that I've been a part of.
The other opportunity came from the most unlikely place. I had heard that Arnold's GoKarts in Oaks, PA was looking for a haunt manager. I had tried and failed to successfully open "A Place Called Fear" at the very same location. At first I was a little apprehensive about tackling this project. I was uncertain as to whether or not my motives lay in the proper place. It turns out that it was an irrational fear. I managed the haunt to the best of my ability and along the way discovered that this was an occupation ideally suited to me. I have since taken a part-time position with the parent management company of the haunt. Though it is not haunt related it is still an exciting and interesting position. I quickly realized that the potential to expand did not exist and that this haunt would in all likelihood remain the same size as ever. All the same I really enjoyed my time running the haunt for them.
This May at the NHC I heard about the Pennhurst haunt for the first time. I heard that Randy Bates of the Bates Motel and Haunted Hayride was contracted by the owners to build and run it.
When I talked to Randy at the NHC, I asked if there was a spot for one of the characters. He said there was and that I should contact him about auditions. Needless to say, I got the job.
It is now mid November and the haunt is done for the season. There's talk of expanding the haunt and the museum it houses. I certainly hope so.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

National Haunters Convention

The NHC is coming Apr 29,30 & May 1,2.
Freshly Dug Up Doug will be at the ball Sat. night.
Perfect...this years theme is zombies attack.
Bonus round!!!!!!!!!
Here's a completely randomly placed picture...or is it?